Monday, March 9, 2009

losing faith.

The AP put out an article today entitled "More Say They Have No Religion" (,0,6583512.story). It was an interesting, but not surprising article empirically evidencing that the United States is in a "Christian Decline." What was even more interesting though, is the message board postings at the end of the article. The large majority of these individuals making posts are adamant about their convictions that God does not exist, is made up, and that religion is actually the cause of most violence and hate in the world. Wow.

This "evangelical atheism" is really intense. I can't actually say that I have a great answer to all their accusations about the moral imperatives of Heaven and Hell, the "human" influence in the writing of scripture, or the many other tough questions that should be wrestled with, but it does show how tough it is, and will be for believers as we seek to make God known. Ultimately, they are seeking "proof" rather than "relationship." This growing segment of the population is doing all they can to make sure the gospel is not presented to our friends, family, and children. Now is the time to be prepared in and out of season to give a testimony for the hope that you have (II Timothy 4:1-5).

A lot of people get angry at this type of conversation. I wouldn't say that was the reaction that I initially and currently feel. I feel sad. While reading these comments I hurt for these individuals who are so angry at God, so disenfranchised with faith, and living life with such temporal purpose. I worry for them, those that they teach, and their children who won't have the chance to know God, all in the name of "being enlightened." May we stand strong in the faith, speak and act in love, and point all of those around us towards relationship with God.

1 comment:

  1. This is not an easy topic--thanks for sharing some clear thoughts about it. It's difficult to deal with unbelief but even more difficult to deal with hostility toward belief.
