Friday, March 27, 2009

sleep deprivation.

As the father of a 9 month old, solid sleep is not really in my vocabulary anymore. I hear this is something that all new parents go through. I don't really like it. I am a person who really likes my sleep and its not that Jonathan is really a bad sleeper- his sleep just doesn't match with when I can sleep (after doing all the things you can't get done when he is awake). Sometimes I think of the bad nights when he gets up crying multiple times because he has a new tooth coming in, when he isn't feeling well, or even when he just decides to be up from 5 AM on and I wonder, if this was taking place in Guantanamo Bay, would I be able to file for torture charges?

The Bible says that children are to be viewed as blessing (and something to do with a quiver of arrows (Psalm 127:4-5 )) and its completely true. As I walk around with bags under my eyes, my third cup of coffee for the day (and its only 11 AM), and I am not sure how I will be able to make it through my afternoon meeting without drooling on my desk, I don't remember the screaming, the poop up to his armpits, or even the food he flung at me during dinner. I do, however, remember the smile he gives me when I come home, the head butt (his idea of a hug), and the way he peacefully (sometimes) falls asleep on my shoulder.

Some may say that forgetfulness is a sign that I may need more sleep. That may be true, but I think in this case, God is giving us all a glimpse as to how he views us. God is out to get us, but not in the negative way many often think. He is out to get us to hold us close, heal our hurts, and to see us fulfilled in Him. These are the ramblings of the sleep deprived.

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