It has officially been seven months since the last posting on this blog. Oops. In my defense, there has been a lot going on:
1) New job at Guardian Life Insurance- my grant was running out at the Conference, and while I miss the work and the people, I needed to pay the bills. Thankful that God provided a place of employment. This job keeps me very busy with not a whole lot of flexibility- making posting tough.
2) Christmas/Birthday- December is always super busy. Holidays, parties, shopping, decorating, family time.
3) We had a baby! Levi Emory Knepp was born February 26th. Had a lot to do to finish up his room etc. and now that he is here, it has taken a while to adjust to life with 2 boys. He is very laid back and already sleeps better than Jonathan does now, but still does not leave a whole lot of time for posting.
The long and short of it is, that life will hopefully always take priority over this blog. It is not that I don't appreciate all three people who read it, but when it comes down to it, changes are inevitable and sometimes it takes a while to adjust to them. My hope is to be able to post something once a week or so, but I'd wait to see that to believe it. Until next time (maybe).